Julie Barnett, Director of Physical Therapy for the Non-Surgical Center of Texas, is giving back to the next generation of physical therapists.

Julie and her father have established The Barnett Endowed Scholarship to support deserving students enrolled in their first or second year in the physical therapy program at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio.

Dr. Duane Barnette, retired general surgeon, has committed his life to medicine through the compassionate care he has delivered to his patients. Because of his love of medicine and strong belief in education, Dr. Barnett continues to be a role model to future health professionals by volunteering his time to the Department of Physical Therapy.

His emphasis in mentorship and his belief in the value of excellent medical education are the reasons why he chose to support student scholarship awards. Both Dr. Duane and Julie Barnett encourage students to become highly trained, ethical, and compassionate health professionals through their role modeling and also through the support of this scholarship.