UPDATE: Dr. Z Retirement Announcement
The Non-Surgical Center of Texas will be closing soon – last day of clinic will be March 19
Virtual visits available
Shock Wave Therapy testimonial
The Non-Surgical Center of Texas
Athletes, weekend warriors and anyone with chronic aches seek the medical expertise of Dr. Annette Zaharoff for Non-Surgical Alternatives to relieve pain and repair acute, chronic and recurring injuries resulting from either sports and physical activity, or from daily repetitive movements.
Dr. Zaharoff is a board certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician also known as a “Physiatrist” (fizz-AYE-a-trist). She is a specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine and among only a handful of Physiatrists in the nation who combines a comprehensive team approach with a variety of treatments. Treatments include: physical therapy, diagnostic ultrasound, prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma injections, acupuncture and electroceuticals to treat muscle, nerve, bone and joint problems for acute, chronic and recurrent injuries. Common examples of musculoskeletal problems include ankle and knee sprains, muscle strains, shoulder dislocations or rotator cuff problems, bursitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, hip tendinitis, low back pain, neck pain, ankle pain and overuse injuries such as tendonitis and stress fractures.